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Equipment constituting the concrete plant facility, ready mixed concrete production and transportation.

Technical Information

Concrete batching plant, which we produce in different models and with different capacities.


What is ready-made concrete? 

Concrete that is produced by mixing inert materials in an automated concrete plant or mixers and is offered to the consumer as a” concrete “ is called ”ready-mix concrete"

Technical Information; Concrete plants AggregateTechnical Informations.


Aggregate  Technical  Information

The General name of such materials as sand, gravel, and crushed stone used in the production of concrete is inert materials. Aggregate, which occupies about 60-75% of the total volume in concrete, is an important component.

Technical Information; Concrete plants  Cement Types ,Cement Technical Informations


Cement Technical  Information

It is a material used for bonding gravel, bricks, briquettes and others, the main raw materials of which are limestone, clay and mineral parts. The cement must be mixed with water for the reaction.

Additives Technical Information; chemical and mineral depending on their origin.


 Additives  Technical  Infomation

Substances that are added in small amounts to the transmission during production or before casting are called additives that serve to improve the properties of concrete. Additives can be divided into chemical and mineral depending on their origin:

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